Thursday 12 June 2008

Readers' Cup Final

The Readers' Cup Final took place at Cumnock Academy on Monday 9 June - it was a great event, superbly organised by outgoing Librarian Ms Colquhoun. Unfortunately our team didn't win but we scored well in some rounds - good effort guys! If we had more opportunities to prepare in the weeks beforehand who knows how well we could have done ...

Congratulations go to Auchinleck Academy who won with a massive points total - the best so far. We will be back next year and hopefully challenging for the top spot!

Here is a pic of our team, left t0 right - Matthew, Alan, Lewis and John.
And here is a pic of our ever-cheerful supporters!

JHA Library on Librarything!

You can now search for Senior Fiction on the JHA Library pages on Librarything ( Librarything is an amazing site that contains lots of peoples' book collections (including some schools'), which you can search very easily. It also uses tags which makes browsing really easy and fun (especially if you use tag clouds).

Initially the JHA pages are for senior pupils choosing personal study books but hopefully I'll get the whole fiction collection on there for everyone to get access to. Please have a look, and remember it is a social networking site too so you can comment on books if you wish.

Return to Normal Library Business

The Library is now open as normal after the lengthy period of closure due to SQA exams. This has affected the groups we like to run at this time of year (Friday Library Group, Carnegie Shadowing Group, Readers' Cup Team, etc) hence the lack of activity on this site!