Thursday 13 November 2008

JHA Library Wiki is here!

JHA Library has begun its own wiki - a collaborative website for the school community. The wiki is in its early stages but you will be able to see from the menu that it could be extremely useful for the school as an addition to an official school website.

Have a look -

The idea is that staff in the school from any department can add resources to their own pages for pupils and other staff to access, anywhere with an Internet connection. For example, homework tasks, worksheets, links to websites, etc.

I hope to do an in-service course on using the wiki in the near future - TBC.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Bloggers of the Month announced!

S1 and S2 Bloggers of the Month have been announced for October. These awards are given to the pupils who have written the most outstanding book reviews in their year group.

Well done to -

S1 Winner Molly Gladman (1Y)

S1 Runner-up Kelsey Caldow (1B)

S2 Winner Cassie Wright (2R)

S2 Runner-up Shannon Alderson (2W)